Yesterday I was going through my blogroll and read Peter Lubber's post on the Blue Planet Run Foundation's 30-Mile Challenge. The Blue Planet Run Foundation is a non profit organization dedicated to raising global awareness about the lack of safe drinking water, and funding working solutions today for the billion, yes BILLION, people living without ready access to the life sustaining resource.

Crystal Cove Beach Today
The Foundation's Blue Planet Run 30-Mile Challenge is inviting runners to run 30 miles in the month of October to raise funds for three schools in Tanzania. Runners can do 30 miles all in one day, or spread over many days. As I read this I realized that I was already planning on doing a long run, so I signed up! It took 5 minutes on their web site to complete the form and I'm very glad I did. Today I did the 30 miles and "Made the Miles Matter".

Nice! It's great to see so many ultrarunners participating in the challenge.
BTW, I am also not running HK this year (I'll be running a local 10K that day). I did not know it was you I was chasing last year--good stuff.
Curious---can you post your training plan on your sidebar? Or, if you don't want to give away your secrets, can you at least give some sort of synopsis? I am really interested in what you ultranutters are doing in terms of training.
FL, I've been posting my actual workouts on the side bar, used to have last 60 days there, but recently shortend this to 2 weeks. Utra training is much like marathon training, with more milage on your long runs and perhaps more weekly miles. It also depends on the terrain your training for (trail/hills/flat etc.) Let me know what you are training for specifically and I can give you some tips (50k vs 50 mile vs 100 mile etc.).
Hope this finds you well. I work with Sof Sole (www.sofsole.com) and am looking for runners like you to try out some of our new products and offer reviews for us via your blog, http://runlonger.blogspot.com. There are no gimmicks or strings attached, just send me your shoe size and mailing address and I'll send some of our latest products to you (or if you have a special request for a product on our website, just let me know—you know what would help your running better than I would :o) . Sof Sole and its parent company, Implus Footcare, are leaders in the below-the-ankle fashion and the company prides itself on creating products that enhance the natural pleasure of running. Getting customer feedback like this is one of the best ways for us to keep our products in check.
I do hope you'll be interested in testing a few items for us, and I look forward to hearing back from you soon!
For my part everyone ought to glance at it.
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