I was in Boonsboro, Maryland, a rural town nestled amidst
the historical crossroads of the American Civil War. I was here with the original running Elvis and my pal Jeff Padilla to run the JFK
50 Mile endurance run, the oldest ultra-marathon in the United States. Inspired
by John F. Kennedy, who extoled the benefits of physical fitness, the event was
first held in 1963 and originally intended as a challenge for the United States
Marine Corps. Today, 50 years later, the call to complete 50 miles on foot has evolved
into an ultra-marathon that attracts military and civilians alike.
On November 23, 2013, exactly 50 years and one day after
President Kennedy was tragically assassinated, I stood with more than 1,000
runners to take up the late president’s challenge. Surrounding me were people
from all walks of life: active and retired members of the armed forces,
civilian men and women, athletes and non-athletes, fathers and sons, the young
and the old. Despite this diversity, we all had something in common. Each of us
had our own reason for being here.
Antietam Battlefield |
As I’ve said before, running ultras is like riding a roller
coaster. One moment you can be on top of the world, and the next you can feel
like you’ve got the world on your shoulders. Elation and exhilaration that flow
through your veins one minute are usually overcome by suffering and self-doubt
the next. What I’ve learned most from running ultras is patience. Patience to
know that when things get really difficult, if I just accept my situation and
keep moving forward, eventually things will get better.
My concentration lapsed somewhere between mile 12 and 15
when I rolled my ankle then took a sharp fall on the trail. I had just begun to
utter the first of a few words of encouragement to another runner when I found
myself hurtling face first to the dirt below me. Fortunately I’ve become pretty
skilled at a contorted tuck and roll maneuver in these situations so I got up
and brushed myself off pretty quickly. Not in time, however, for the other
runner to miss my impromptu circus act. “You okay?” she said. “Sure, I just
have to watch my mouth,” was all I could muster in reply.
From high on the Appalachian ridge we made our way down to
the C&O Canal, the 184-mile water highway once used for commercial trade
and as a supply line for the Union Army. Flat and scenic, this section of the
course gobbled up 26 miles, a full marathon. Then we made our way just north of
the historic town of Harpers Ferry, site of the infamous John Brown raid which
was the catalyst of the Civil War, and into the town of Williamsport.
When I turned the last corner and caught sight of the finish
line, I could see the clock and the people gathering to greet the runners. My
heart raced and my pace quickened. I could feel the weight of the day on my
shoulders as I approached. Finally, after seven hours and twenty-eight minutes
of highs and lows blended with a slice of American history, I crossed the
finish line. The weight lifted from my shoulders and, at that moment,
exhilaration seeped in.
Great writing. Thank you for sharing.
Great running and reporting as always, thanks!
Thanks TP....haven't heard from you in a while. Hope all is going well with you, your family and your running!
Very interesting! I just recieved a golf ball muscle roller as a present,any other runners know if these are beneficial?
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